
The 2017 French Presidential Elections. A Political Reformation?

– Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan 2018  eBook ISBN: 978-3-319-68327-0  DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-68327-0  Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-319-68326-3  Number of Pages: XVI, 282 On the publisher’s website…  Provides the first English-language study of one of the most notable French presidential elections of recent times  Includes a systematic analysis of French presidential and legislative election outcomes since the early 1980s  Combines qualitative and quantitative methods in its analysis About this book: ​Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the […]


New publication: Kenyan and Ethiopian Athletics: Towards an Alternative Scientific Approach

– Sous la direction de Benoit Gaudin et Bezabih Wolde  IRD Editions / CFEE  Hors collection  2017  format 175 x 240  236 pages Présentation éditeur et bon de commande : The collective book Kenyan and Ethiopian Athletics: Towards an Alternative Scientific Approach, resulting from a cooperation work between IRD and three partner universities in Kenya and Ethiopia, has just been published. Edited by Benoit Gaudin and Bezabih Wolde, it presents […]


Call for Papers: Graduate student symposium, Urmis, Nice, France, June 8th, 2018: Ethics and social engagement of researchers: questioning research practices in the social sciences and humanities

Often, starting a new research project or fieldwork begins with a self-reflective survey by the researcher of their own research practices. The Urmis graduate symposium, which is held once a year at Paris Diderot University or the University of Nice, France, offers to Ph.D students, senior Ph.D candidates and post-doctoral fellows in Anthropology, Sociology, History, Geography, and Ethnic Studies, an opportunity to present their reflections on methodological and ethical questions […]


European Programme SLAFNET (Slavery in Africa : a dialogue between Europe and Africa)

The European Programm SLAFNET, (Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa) has received funding from the European Commission in Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Actions, Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE), Call: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016. Complementary informations on the programme:   Coordination : IRD   Contact IRD : Marie-Pierre Ballarin (Urmis)   Consortium : Europe: IRD (France),CNRS (France), Université de Nantes (France), Bath Spa University (Grande Bretagne) The University of Birmingham (Grande Bretagne), Faculdade de letras […]


International Conference “Cuba & Africa” – Engagements, Circulations and Racial Representations in the 20th Century

Provisional Programme23- 24 May 2016 The Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) University of Cape Town, Republic of South Africa Provisional Programme Monday 23 May  09.30- 10.00 Welcome  10.00- 11.00 Introduction and Notes Adrien DELMAS (IFAS), Giulia BONACCI (IRD, URMIS), Shamil JEPPIE (HUMA, University of Cape Town) and Jean Albergel (IRD)  11.00- 12.00 Panel 1: Contours of a Cuban Pan-Africanism I José Luis MARTàN ROMERO (Universidad de La Habana) : Cuban […]

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Job Offer: Research Assistant for an European Project

URMIS (University of Nice) is opening a post-doctorate position of Research Assistant to assist in carrying out the Sub-national context and radical right support in Europe (SCoRE) research project, under the auspices of the French ANR and in collaboration with three other research partners in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK. Position details  1-YR contract, from 1st April 2016  Full-time  University post-doctorate wage, French public administration index 580  Gross monthly […]

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Solidarity with Kenya

The research unit URMIS would like to express its deep sympathy with the pain which is affecting the families of Garissa University College attack victims. Our team would like to give moral support and solidarity to the all Kenyan scientific and academic community, students, teachers, researchers and staff. We are deeply moved and shocked and we wish to reaffirm our strong commitment to intellectual freedom.


Présentation de l’ouvrage d’Odile Hoffmann : « British Honduras: The invention of a colonial territory. Mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century» (2014, Cubola)

Présentation de l’ouvrage British Honduras: The invention of a colonial territory. Mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century (2014, Cubola), le 3 juillet 2014, 18 hrs, dans le cadre du Belize Archaeology and Anthropology Symposium (BAAS), Par Nigel Encalada, Directeur du Institute of Social and Cultural Research (du National Institute of Culture and History NICH), en présence de l’éditrice de Cubola, Montserrat Casademunt, et de l’auteure, Odile Hoffmann (IRD-URMIS).


British Honduras: The invention of a colonial territory. Mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century

By Odile Hoffmann  A coedition of IRD (France) and Cubola Productions (Belize)  Size: 8.5x 11  Number of pages: 80  25 Colour plates  ISBN: 978-976-8161-40-6  Publication date: July 2014 The purpose of this monograph is not to retrace the genesis of a nation, but more modestly, to recount the invention of a colonial territory. No territory exists on its own; only social, political, symbolic and emotional constructions grant it substance and […]


British Honduras: The invention of a colonial territory. Mapping and spatial knowledge in the 19th century

By Odile Hoffmann  A coedition of IRD (France) and Cubola Productions (Belize)  Size: 8.5x 11  Number of pages: 80  25 Colour plates  ISBN: 978-976-8161-40-6  Publication date: July 2014 The purpose of this monograph is not to retrace the genesis of a nation, but more modestly, to recount the invention of a colonial territory. No territory exists on its own; only social, political, symbolic and emotional constructions grant it substance and […]


Globalization and Mobilities Seminar

University of Chicago, Center in Paris 6 Rue Thomas Mann 75013 Paris JUNE 5, Thursday  9:30 am Opening Remarks: Dominique Vidal, Catherine Lejeune (URMIS, LARCA, Université Paris Diderot) – Salikoko Mufwene, James Hevia, Ramon Gutiérrez (University of Chicago)  10:00 am to 12:00 am [Session 1] Moving Signs and Senses: Histories of Color and Communication (Chair: Ramon Gutiérrez, University of Chicago) Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago): “Colonization, globalization, Mobility, and Diasporas: […]