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Some detailed Projects


Projet ANR JCJC 2005, Sciences humaines et sociales (Ref : ANR-05-JCJC-0227-01) Foreign workers in western agriculture: European construction and changes in migrations patterns Duration of the project: 3 years, 2006-2009. MIGRAGRI Download the project (in french) Aims of the project Western European agricultures nowadays are subject to deep modifications concerning there labour forces. The changing patterns of employment result from increasing international agricultural competition, as well as from European enlargement and […]

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Some detailed Projects

ECRP Project

Project funded by the European Science Fondation, in the framework of the European Collaborative Research Projects in the Social Sciences, call EUROCORES ECRP 2005 New Migrations Dynamics: Regular and Irregular work on the European Labour Market Aims of the project: The collaborative project will deal with working migrations and gendered matters in three economic sectors-agriculture, domestic services and prostitution- in which foreigners and among them, women, are over represented. The […]

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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 1. Collective memory, patrimony and national and regional imagination

The studies conducted in this programme centre on different situations in which the past is reconstructed in order to respond to current objectives. They analyse how collective memory is invented and manipulated on a regional and national level in order to form new images of cities (Belgrade, Marseille), regions (the Caribbean) or countries (Cuba, Madagascar, Thailand, Mexico and Belize). These analyses delve into the processes of promoting material and symbolic […]

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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 1. Immigration as a social and political issue

As it is more important than ever to be aware of the issues analysed in Axis 1 in order to avoid the categories, the modes of thinking and even the analytical perspectives imposed particularly by the institutional or political rationale, study must also focus on the processes themselves that constitute immigration as a “social issue”. The analyses developed in this programme concentrate on migrant participation in the general institutional structure […]

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Axis 1. Migrations and migrants in the contemporary era: patterns of mobility and the place of migrants in the globalised economy

Axis 1. Programme 1. Migratory networks and international migrations

The research incorporated in this programme aims to reveal the transformations in migratory patterns in light of the globalisation process. It centres less on the phenomenon of the mobility itself, which is thoroughly studied by geographers who focus on the spatial dimensions, pathways and networks of the migrations, but focuses rather on the social forms and processes that these movements generate. The research concentrates on new social bonds stemming from […]

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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 2. Religious and artistic mobility and trans-nationalisation

This programme brings together research stemming from the anthropology of music and dance, considered specific to their diverse contexts, whether religious, urban or, in a different approach, in the context of globalisation. An additional approach focuses more specifically on the question of religion in a migratory context.

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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 2. Racism, discrimination, inequality and the production of categories of otherness

This programme brings together research which delves into both the very consistency of racist social relations, viewed as one of the forms that interethnic social relations can take, and how racism is manifested, in particular through processes of discrimination or segregation. Racism today is partly expressed through inconspicuous processes, at times difficult to percept. Certain discursive forms (such as “veiled racism”) go so far as to counter the anti-racist ideology. […]

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Axis 1. Migrations and migrants in the contemporary era: patterns of mobility and the place of migrants in the globalised economy

Axis 1. Programme 2. Mobility, kinship and gender relations

This programme analyses the relations between the mobility of people and kinship relations, in both an anthropological and demographic framework. The demographic approach examines the changes brought about by migrations through the study of marriage or fertility rates, whereas the anthropological approach analyses the transformations of family relations. This double approach leads to exchanges and collaborations between researchers from both disciplines, enabling a more dynamic presentation of the transformations in […]

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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 3. Memories and group membership across generations

The research led in this program also considers the reconstruction of the past for contemporary uses, yet on an individual or family level rather than on a regional or national level, clearly contrasting with the institutional and political production of collective memory studied in programme 1. Research in this programme focuses on the conveyance of the past across generations, whether through the recounting of personal experience, research on which also […]

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Axis 2. Immigrants and minority groups as the focus of public action, institutional practices and public speech

Axis 2. Programme 3. Discourse, staging and conflicts involving otherness

The research conducted in the framework of this programme focuses on the public confrontation- in the daily life of individuals, in political discourse or movements, in social science research- of representations, discourse and practices which contribute to the decrease or reinforcement of boundaries between groups that see themselves or are designated as different. Beyond the diversity of its authors, rationales and procedures, the research in this programme attests to the […]

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Axis 1. Migrations and migrants in the contemporary era: patterns of mobility and the place of migrants in the globalised economy

Axis 1. Programme 3. Forms of employment and relations between national and ethnic groups

This programme brings together researchers whose work relates to the following theme. In western societies, the relations between migrations and labour have evolved, leading to the development of research that takes into consideration the diversification of employment forms and the status and the professional relations involving the migrant worker. The effects of these changes on certain categories of the national working population, in particular those with immigrant family heritage, are […]

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Axis 3. Collective identities: movements, construction, staging, narration

Axis 3. Programme 4. States, borders, territories, otherness

This programme deals with identity distribution through analysis of relations between modes of production of otherness, modes of political management and modes of State territorial production. These latter, through political and administrative injunctions, can organise the redistribution of identities that are conjointly statutory and territorial within one country or region (Mali). They can also refer to borders and border zones separating nation States (Guyana/ Surinam; Kenya/Uganda; Thailand/Laos), and to these […]