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Theme 2. The fabrication of otherness, racism and discriminations

3. Program 2.3. Ethnic and racial group formation, discriminatory processes

– Researchers: A. Rabaud, Y. Gastaut, M. Cognet, P. Cuturello, J.-L. Primon, C. Poiret  Associated researchers: V. De Rudder, M. Eberhard, M. Manier  Doctoral students: E. Adam Vesina, R. Braud, M. Duclos, C. Gabarro, J.-M. Huctin, N. Puvilland, J. Scheepers, Y. Tahata, D. Trawale Racism is considered one of the forms that interethnic social relations can take. The research projects in this program question the practical modalities of racism through […]

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Theme 2. The fabrication of otherness, racism and discriminations

2. Program 2.2. Immigration and minority situations : policy, discourse, and mobilizations

– Researchers: E. Cunin, G. Frigoli, Y. Gastaut, G. Ivaldi, C. Médard, A. Morice, A. Rabaud, J. Streiff-Fénart  Associated researchers: A. Berghamaschi, J. Gartner, M. Manier, M. Nayrac  Doctoral students: M. Clergeau, C. Gourdeau, Im Ahn Bak Ne, M. Lejeune, P. Montvalon, M. Petitjean, H. Sanders The enduring establishment, in Europe in particular, of the “question of immigration” in the public arena provides another framework for deciphering the experiences and […]

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Theme 2. The fabrication of otherness, racism and discriminations

1. Program 2.1. Mobilities and figures of otherness

– Researchers: F. Lestage, S. Potot, C. Quiminal, J. Streiff-Fénart  Associated researcher: Ph. Poutignat  Doctoral students: M. Belqasmi, N. Liberona, L. Tassin The production of new categories of otherness can first be detected in the representations produced by migratory flows themselves. These flows do not only influence mobility, but also modify the relationship to otherness in many sending, receiving, or transitional countries. URMIS’s work in sub-saharan Africa, in the Maghreb […]