
Video: The role of ethnic peer victimization in the adjustment of immigrant-origin youth

The video recording (Zoom with SlideShow) of the intervention, in English, of Liliia Korol, social sciences researcher, member of the Urmis Nice, during the session of December 2, 2022 of the seminar “Migrations et altérités” of the Urmis Nice, at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société Sud-Est, can be viewed on the Urmis Canal U channel:


Video of online Book Launch “Cuba & Africa…”

Here is the video record of online Book Launch “Cuba & Africa 1959-1994 : Writing an alternative Atlantic History” (Thursday 6 May 2021) held by Wits University Press, the Wits History Workshop and IFAS-Research with Sophie Dulucq, Research Director of IFAS, Editors Giulia Bonacci and Adrien Delmas, contributors João Felipe Gonçalves and Shamil Jeppie and Robert van Niekerk (Wits School of Governance).

Our videos

SANSARI. The Goddess and the Corona in the Himalayas

At the end of March 2020, in a village in Nepal, affected like the rest of the country – and the world – by lockdown, news of the virus spreads. Some villagers decide to perform the Sansari ritual, goddess of epidemics, adapting it to the current circumstances. Relationship to politics, relationship to nature, the place of the stranger, respect for tradition and adaptation to change, human and divine responsibility, rumours […]