
Nathalie Schipounoff’s PhD Dissertation Defense

On Thursday 19th of December 2019 at 14:30 at Université Paris Diderot, (Building Olympes de Gouges, room Laplanche – 576), Nathalie Schipounoff is defending her PhD Dissertation in Social Anthropology and Ethnology, supervised by professor Pascal Dibie. Title: Affable startuppers for a better world or a better social position ? Ethnology of startup mode in a Parisian incubator. PhD examination committee members: Pr. Jean-Philippe Bouilloud, ESCP Europe  Pr. Nabyla Daidj, Institut Mines Telecom – Business School HDR (Rapporteur) Pr. […]


Race, Gender and Migration

International Conference,conceived and organized by the Center for Maghrib Studies, Arizona State University, december 15-17, 2019, hosted by Inlac Institute, Fez, Morocco.

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Omara Sansegundo Moreno

Omara Sansegundo Moreno es estudiante de doctorado en ciencia de educación en la Université de Genève y la Université Côte d’Azur. Directora de tesis en Urmis: Catherine Blaya Titulo: Estudio de las diferencias en la participación de las niñas y los niños en el ciber-odio contra las minorías étnicas o religiones específicas dentro de las plataformas digitales en Francia. Contacto: Pagina en frances Pagina en ingles

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Omara Sansegundo Moreno

Omara Sansegundo Moreno is PhD Student in Education Science at Université de Genève and Université Côte d’Azur. Supervisor at Urmis: Catherine Blaya Research Title: Study of the differences in the involvement of girls and boys in cyber-hate against ethnic minorities or specific religions within digital platforms in France. Contact: This page in Spanish This page in French

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François Onokoko Okitongombe

François Onokoko Okitongombe is PhD. student in Education Science at Université Côte d’Azur. Supervisor: Catherine Blaya. Contact:

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International Conference “América central 1979-2019. De la Revolución sandinista a las caravanas de migrantes”

November 4-7th in Mexico…
This conference aims to shed light on recent Central American events (the violence, the corruption, but also the massive mobilizations for human rights and the new forms of political action) all in light of their past. What are the continuities and ruptures since 1979, since the triumph of the Sandinista revolution and the explosion of internal wars in the region? And what challenges for the new generation? […]

The Globalization of Gender

The Globalization of Gender : Knowledge, Mobilizations, Frameworks of Action

Edited by: Ioana Cîrstocea, Delphine Lacombe, Elisabeth Marteu, London: Routledge, 2019.
This book provides an insightful approach to understanding the contemporary circulations of feminist repertoires and shows how the international/transnational circulations of gender are interconnected, even coextensive, with the globalization process itself. […]

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Sabrina Melenotte

Anthropologist, Research Fellow IRD. Unité de recherches Migrations et Sociétés (URMIS, UMR IRD 205). Fields of research Political Anthropology, Anthropology of disappearance and death, Anthropology of the State, Violence and Exiting Violence, Body, Mexico. Current research on the missing persons and the government of the dead in Mexico. Areas of research The new protocols of death (law, institutions, expertise) Family reconfigurations and new post-disappearance communities (gender, ethnicity, migration) Justice(s) “beyond […]

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Armand Aupiais

PhD Candidate in Sociology & Anthropology at URMIS, University of ParisAssociate Researcher at French Institute for Anatolian Research (IFEA, Istanbul)Lecturer in Sociology at Galatasaray University Contact Doctoral Thesis in progress (sup. Mahamet Timéra) Istanbul, “Promised Land”. Evangelical Urban Circuits & Religious Labour in Turkey This thesis addresses the little known field of Evangelical Churches in Turkey. It discusses the status of global evangelicalism as a ‘religion of mobility’ based […]

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Christelle Hamel

Christelle Hamel is an INED Researcher, currently member of Urmis Paris Team.


Methodology Workshop Slafnet

Methodology Workshop Slafnet: Memory Of Origins, Location And Life Stories In African Slave And Post-Slave Societies.
Thursday 6th June, MSHS, Nice, France […]


Feedback of Slafnet Spring School in Addis Ababa

A Spring school was held at the Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University, on April 15-19, 2019, in the framework of the European project SLAFNET ( that has the objective of implementing dialogue between European and African researchers and students around the thematic issue of slavery in Africa. This Spring school was organised by Prof. Ahmed Hassen (IES, Université d’Addis Ababa), Alexander Meckelburg (Hiob Ludolf Center for Ethiopian Studies, […]