Maryse Tripier
Maryse Tripier is Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Paris 7- Denis Diderot University.

Since the 70s she has actively participated in developing the field of the sociology of immigration and inter-ethnic relationships in France, notably as Director of URMIS until 2002. She is co-founder of the DEA (Research masters) “Migration: Area and Society”.

She plays an active role in the collective life of the discipline: member of the CNU (National Universities Council), 19th section for 12 years, member of the board of the Association of Sociologists of Higher Education, member of various councils and institutions in the university.

Research fields

 The place of immigrants in the working class in France, the role of unions in the integration of foreign workers

 The educational and social future of children from an immigration background.

 Participation in the URMIS working group on “ethnic” discrimination.
Research in progress: draft manual aimed at students.

Main publications

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